Thursday, July 9, 2009

Facebook vs MySpace

Now for something a little different. Check out this piece from the website Racialicious here on the concepts of race and class divisions as it relates to social networking sites; primarily facebook and MySpace. As I've mentioned in previous posts, I'm a bit of a technophile. I'm also deeply interested in the concepts of race and class, and the merging of the two subjects in this particular Racialicious post a hit fuzzy spot in my brain. Check it out.


JayTee said...

Hey, I'm starting a collaborative blog for people starting MFAs this year. Calling it The MFA Chronicles, thinking it will be a good opportunity to see how people in different programs progress through them and the paths we take beyond the degree as well. It would be great if you could be a contributor! If you're interested, I'll add you as a contributor. If not, it would still be great to have you as a reader! Hope getting everything ready for the 1st day isn't stressing you out!

Eric said...

Hi JayTee (previously unsaid ;) ), I'd love to contribute to The MFA Chronicles! Thanks for thinking of including me on your blog, and good luck with the new school year at U of Virginia too!